magical portal transports you to the World of Stone where
you must defeat the Golem Boss and save your helpless friend
Jaco. Your only weapon is your yo-yo!
Use your yo-yo wisely to slay energy-draining bats and rock
monsters! Look out for Extra Lives and Power Ups that will
make your mission all the more easier. Walk over ‘info’
boxes for extra hints and tips on what to do in a particular
The game is a platform-style game in which the player controls
our hero Yozo in his attempt to rescue his friend Jaco
who is lost on the World of Stone. The game features a total
of 17 action-packed levels with plenty of obstacles to negotiate
and lots of baddies to slay... with a yo-yo! And in true platform-style,
there is a Big Boss Golem Boss to finish off at the
end of the game. Superb graphics, a great storyline and the
odd cheat or two, make the game play of this new title totally
addictive and captivating for a wide audience.
Jaco can only be saved once you have successfully defeated
the hideous Golem Boss! Have fun! But be very careful!
*Screenshots from the Nokia 7650/3650