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Finding the lost treasure from the Jungle couldn’t feed Pitfall Harry’s hunger for adventure long enough and now it’s time to face the new challenge which takes place on a Glacier. Locate the legendary Artifact of Ice guarded by an unknown beast.

Fight through the chilly but beautiful sceneries by dodging the falling icicles, gigantic rolling snowballs and razor-sharp claws of crazy owls. As if coldness and slippery surfaces weren’t bad enough, it gets worse as the penguins and snow creatures, also known as snow natives, do everything they can to stop Pitfall Harry from reaching his goal!

Pitfall Harry will find himself passing through all 15 levels which comprise of six distinct phases: Frozen Lake, Mountain Side, Ice Caves, Mountain Top, Frost Temple and The Final Battle. All phases consist of two or more levels that await the adventurer!

The game features a vast variety of different enemies, each with their unique capabilities. There are several puzzle elements like moving, floating and vanishing platforms, items such as rocks that can be picked up and used in a sling shot and coins that determine the player’s score.

As Pitfall Harry the player can jump, fist punch, sling shoot, climb on icy walls using ice axes, hang on to edges and vines and read signs that assist in the adventure. How quickly the player accomplishes each level also affects the final point score. In addition, there are cheat codes for the PS2 console game that can be unlocked through the mobile game.

The Pitfall series consists of three separately downloadable episodes, of which this is the second one. The last episode is targeted for release in August 2004.

WirelessGaming.it, 9/10
"Impressive game!"

*Screenshots from the Nokia 7650/3650



©2004 Activision, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Game code ©2004 Sumea Interactive Ltd. Pitfall and Activision are registered trademarks and Pitfall: The Lost Expedition is a trademark of Activision, Inc. Sumea and the Sumea logo are trademarks of Sumea Interactive Ltd. Marketed and distributed under license by Activision.



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